As I came out of the tri season I was looking forward to getting my teeth stuck into some big run miles in the lead up to the Luton Marathon, but unfortunately, injury and illness have put paid to that. The injury came, not during a gnarly tempo run or a blistering swim set, but instead during a rather stupid dance move that no 40 year old should attempt. I woke up the next morning to find an enormous purple bruise running almost 9 inches along the path of my now over-extended hip flexor. It was painful to walk and with a very busy family weekend in store it seemed sensible to take the entire weekend off; the first time that's happened in a very long time. The following week I was able to get on the bike to and from work, doing a few 80 minute rides on the way home along my Boxhill route, but as the week wore on I started to feel more and more lethargic and by Friday I had a full-on cold. Que another weekend off and more vitally, another long run not in the bag. Grrrrrr.......
By this Monday I was feeling a lot better so went for a gentle 30 minute run. I felt great. Then, 20 minutes later, I felt rubbish. Grrrrrr...... Another day off yesterday although I did a gentle and short commute to work and back. I am now almost over my bug and hopefully I will be able to plod for a long slow run on Sunday, hopefully around 18 miles or so.
While all this has been going on Adam did his first half marathon on Sunday, completing the New Forest run. A brilliant effort from Boy Wonder. The other thing that has been keeping me amused has been my decision to build my own mountain bike to do some off road cycling over the winter. The idea was that I would build myself a fleabay special, but so far I have managed to spend a King's ransom. When Mrs Wheezy sees the credit card bill I am going to be in one whole heap of trouble.......