I've finally got back onto the Trainerroad horse properly and it feels good. Despite being very hacked off with the amount of time I spent off training owing to the virus and resulting cough that I had, it's had the effect of giving my mojo a much needed boost. The plan is to be even more consistent than I was last year. Despite following three TR plans from November 2015 through to June 2016 and training much more consistently on a bike than I ever had before, I was still losing at least a session per week, most weeks. So I really want to not have so many missed workouts and the way I am going to do that is to get my sessions done early. Sometimes I was not starting my workouts until 10:30 at night, which just left me very tired the next day. So I have been getting up at 5am and getting them done before work. I have to admit it was a struggle for the first week but my body clock has adjusted now and it's getting easier every time. The main disadvantage is that it just takes a while to get my heart rate up, despite a good warm up; I am literally rolling out of bed and onto the turbo, so my power output seems a little bit down at the moment, but I also think that might be to do with just getting used to the intensity of turbo sessions again.
So, be more consistent. That means that I need to get that little blue line on the TSS graph above a lot flatter and consistently above 300. I think if I can do that, by August I should be flying. My ego is taking a bit of a battering on my 2 mile cycle into work though. There are always two blokes who come past me while I am spinning lightly on very battered legs while I mumble to myself about already having done a 90 minute session. I'll wait until July and then release the full force of my new found ftp on them. that'll learn them.