Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Time for plan B

Things came to a bit of a head yesterday after our latest paddle in the mystere. It started off badly, with Adam having a big dose of the wobbles as we pulled away and the first 10 minutes were as bad as we have had in the last 6 weeks. I was doing my best to keep relaxed but Adam could not get comfortable until he had moved the seat. We settled in and kept ploughing up and down but gradually our form started to disintegrate until eventually, I just lost it; I really threw my toys out the canoe. I can honestly say I have never felt as demoralised as I did then and the ten minute paddle back to the clubhouse was the worse 10 minutes, ever, I have had in a kayak, with it conducted in silence as we twitched and splash supported our way back. Even now, I cannot quite understand how I can have so much confidence one minute and so little the next and it is this that makes our lack of progress so infuriating.

So what now? Well, one thing's for certain, we will not be doing the DW in a mystere. We both agreed that we have been deluding ourselves that with practice we could overcome the problems we have faced, and when we thought about it we really have made little progress. We can stay upright, but that simply is not enough as we need to be putting in a lot of solid miles over the next few months with good technique and with confidence. At the moment we have neither of those things.

 and that's not going to happen in the time we have left. The club has a stratos we can train in for the time being which is more stable and we can see how we go with it.

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