Monday 8 April 2013

Paddle run core

I spent Friday being battered to bits by Simon on the bike. We arranged to do a spin out into the hills along with another training partner of his, John, a very strong cyclist. I spent the best part of two and a half hours stationed firmly 200 metres behind them, trying to keep up. I simply couldn't. Even going downhill I couldn't stay with them and just spun the wheels over as best I could. The icing on the cake was when Simon signalled left for us to go up White Down Lane. Most of it's not too bad but it has a real sting at the top. That was my que to weave all over the road attempting to keep the bike moving forward.  I then bettered  that 30 minutes later. Right at the bottom of Juniper Hill I turned left to head back towards the foot of Boxhill. Well,  my front wheel turned left but the rest of me didn't and I ended up in a heap on the floor. Thankfully, I managed to break my fall with my left knee and hip, so all was well.  :-/  By this time, Simon and John were taking pity on me and we took the more direct way home. Wounded pride and body.

After a day's rest to recover I got up early to go for a paddle with the intention of going a bit further than Thursday's effort. I bashed my way slowly up to Raven's Ait and then freewheeled home with the flow.About 50 minutes in total with some bad patches and some good bits. There's a rec next door to the Royal so I thought I would see if the work I have been doing on my core has started to have any benefit. It was a very slow 30 minutes plodding around the rec but it didn't hurt and that's a first since February. I was a happy bunny. When I got home it was another 30 minutes of core work in front of the telly being mocked by my children.

Needless to say the run immedately got me thinking about whether I could actually go and do the London Marathon, albeit slowly. A case of me trying to run before I can walk again.

Jamie and I are meeting up for a paddle in a condor tonight, I think it's my first K2 paddle since finishing the DW last year. I am not sure what to expect. I just hope that Jamie is gentle with me.

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