Sunday, 11 November 2012

#Turbovember Day 11

There's nothing more frustrating than having a gorgeous autumn morning which is just begging for a run or cycle to happen, only to be laid up with the lurgy. I felt pretty rugged this morning and my plan to get on the road and do a few real miles was never looking realistic. Instead I lay in bed with a thick head mulling over what could have been.

So it was a 30 minute box ticker for #turbovember this evening instead, staring at the back of an unlit garage door being watched by the neighbours in mild bemusement / awe / disbelief. The one saving grace from all this was that as I opened the door and trudged out into the darkness the mrs barely raised an eyebrow. Eleven days ago I would have got at least some form of derisory comment about hamster wheels or words to that effect, but no more. It seems that #turbovember and the consistency which it has brought about has had other positive benefits.

Hopefully, I can get down to some serious turbo efforts in  a day or two. 30 minute box tickers are starting to get boring.

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