Tuesday, 6 November 2012

#Turbovember Day 6

It was a fun commute to work and back on my new langster. It was harder on the way out with it being mainly uphill, but there's only one climb where I have to get out of the saddle. The ride home has more freewheeling, which I find more annoying than grinding uphill. The bike's very comfortable although i need to tinker with the position a bit more. Still, it's an hour's worth of riding in the day and it all adds up.

In the evening it was another 30 minute #turbovember session. It was very unstructured but I ended up putting some longer tempo efforts in and I have to say that despite the increase in volume over the last week I felt very strong. That said, I didn't get a run in today, but with 90 minutes' worth of bike work, it's been a productive day.

1 comment:

  1. Good effort mate! #Turbovember came to a grinding halt for me after 2 days due to be sent away with work, back to running though so not all bad!!
